Bell Schedule for 2022-23
8:45 AM – Transitions & Co-op Buses (Distinct Bell)
8:50 – Students proceed to first class
8:55 ‐ Bell to commence first class & start independent reading
10:05 – Soft bell to begin independent reading
10:20 ‐ First class ends ‐Recess begins
10:25 ‐ Recess ends ‐ Students go to second class
10:30 ‐ Bell to commence second class
11:45 ‐ Second class ends ‐ Noon hour begins
12:10 PM – Transitions Bus (Distinct Bell)
12:25 – Co-op Bus (Distinct Bell)
12:35 – End of Noon hour ‐ Students go to third class
12:40 ‐ Bell to commence third class
1:55 ‐ Third class ends ‐ Recess begins
2:00 ‐ Recess ends ‐ Students go to fourth class
2:05 ‐ Bell to commence fourth class
3:15 ‐ Fourth class ends
3:27 ‐ Buses leave
8:45 AM ‐ Classrooms Open
9:00 ‐ Exams Begins
10:30 ‐ Early Dismissal Bell
11:30 ‐ Exams End