This Week At Three Oaks

This Week at Three Oaks –  June 24-28, 2024

This Week at Three Oaks June 24-28, 2024

Dear Students & Parents/ Guardians:

This will be my final This Week at Three Oaks email sent to you all for the 2023-2024 school year, and the next one will be sent on Labour Day weekend!

 I want to say thank you to parents, our Three Oaks Staff and students for a wonderful  school year and for being so supportive.   Parents and school, working together is so important as it certainly takes a village to ensure that students are successful in earning their high school credits and achieving their high school diploma.  Never hesitate to reach out  to ask a question or to ask for help  or support to any of our team.

Congratulations to the Class of 2024 on your graduation.   Graduation pictures have been posted on our Facebook page and will also be posted on our webpage.  We hope that you will keep in touch and are  proud to be TOSH Alumni!

Congratulations is also extended to teacher Shirlee Anne Campbell  and to educational assistant Debbie MacArthur on your retirements.  You have both made a lasting impact on the lives of many during your careers at Three Oaks and we appreciate your dedication, your expertise and your commitment to making Three Oaks an awesome place to learn and come to work. We wish you both a happy and healthy retirement.  If anyone would like to send a message to either retiree, you can reach them via email at or


Planning Ahead?

Please note that the graduation date has been chosen for the Class of 2025  - June 19, 2025 at 6:45 p.m. at Credit Union Place.

This week students in grades 11 & 12 can pick up their report cards in the main office from our admin assistants Pam Rodgerson  or Lindsay Albert on Wednesday, June 26.  Parents/ Guardians can also pick up their child’s report card.

Please note that our offices close for the summer months on Friday, June 28.



We have made a few changes in our schedule next year and have a new cell phone policy that will be enforced in each classroom/ hallways during class time. Please see attached for more details.

First day of Classes for 2024 – 2025 School year:

Grade 10 only – September 5

Grades 10-12 ( all students)  – September 6

On behalf of our staff at Three Oaks, I want to wish everyone a safe and happy summer, and we look forward to seeing those who are returning in September.

Jacqueline Reeves

Link to TOSH 2024 Graduation video and photos

 School Schedule 

Cell Phone Policy